My song has no melody, so I hope you like the words

Friday, October 12, 2012

Crayon Scribbles

The following is a part of my next project, a 30 day devotional for people with a chronic illness. I think most of it applies to all of us. Please let me know what you think!
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, Luke 4:18b
I’m not very good with crayons. As a small child, I colored outside the lines and was punished. I don’t know if I just missed the lines a little bit or colored all over the page, but I was punished and became very fearful. All creative expression felt dangerous.
God has gently pointed out that pattern in other areas of my life. I tend to look for the rules or lines in every situation. Where there are no clear guidelines, I’m a nervous wreck. This is no way to live. Jesus came to set me free from bondage, and He did. I only need to walk in faith through those prison doors. He wants me to feel the sweet fresh air and warmth of sun on my face, and doesn’t demand perfection from me to get there.
So often we live our lives in prisons of our own making, believing we cannot ever be free. We are so concerned with staying on the path we believe is our only choice that we never see that the walls have been torn down. We never even test the door to find out that Jesus has removed the locks that held us captive.
Sometimes our lives are sloppy, with marks all over the page where they don’t belong, but God’s love is not bound by our actions. He forgives us instead of condemning, He even accepts our pitiful crayon scribbles, knowing that we are actually becoming His masterpiece. Our creator doesn’t punish us every time we make a mistake. He is a loving Father who erases the sins of our past through the forgiveness given by grace at the cross.
Thank you, Lord, for freeing me from the bondage of sin.

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