My song has no melody, so I hope you like the words

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Federal Power Trips

Much has already been written about the overreach of the federal government and infringement on individual freedom of religion. I may write about that again, but today I’m thinking about the way our current federal officials are also steamrolling over state’s rights. We need to be aware of what they are doing if we have any hope of restoring our personal freedoms and we need to elect Senators, Congressmen and a President who will respect the limits of federal power.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has now directed the Justice department to interfere with the Texas legislature’s passage of a voter ID law. 37 other states already have laws that require some kind of voter verification in order to cast a ballot, and Texas lawmakers recently passed their own. It was supported by the Texas Attorney General, and signed into law by the Governor. States have the right under our constitution to do that sort of thing. The people elect representatives, and expect them to promote the state’s welfare.

Red herring arguments from the left abound on this issue. Some are saying it is unfair to the poor and minorities to expect them to show proof of identification to vote, even though they need it to buy a beer, or for that matter, walk into the Justice Department building in Washington, D.C. I heard a phone interview today where a Washington insider whined that because the law doesn’t address absentee ballots it has no legitimacy. His argument seemed to be that since the law didn’t cover every contingency, it shouldn’t be allowed to cover the area that the Texas legislators were most concerned with addressing.

Despite what Mr. Holder thinks, it is not the federal government’s job to interfere here. There is no evidence that Texas has been suppressing anyone’s right to vote. Claiming that the fed can interfere because of 100 year old history is ridiculous. Texas, and all of the other states, should be able to exercise their lawful right to insure a legitimate voting process without interference from federal authorities.

Washington has become bloated and consumed by an arrogant sense of power and control over our lives. We need to elect better representatives if we want a healthier, more constitutionally appropriate Federal government. I’m encouraged that there are people running for office around the country that have a greater vision. Kevin Wade here in Delaware is one of them. He is speaking to groups around our small state and his campaign for U.S. Senate is gaining momentum. I encourage my local readers to check him out. Your vote matters!

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