My song has no melody, so I hope you like the words

Monday, February 27, 2012

Free Verse Poetry

I'm claiming bragging momma rights here and posting two free verse poems written recently by two of my sons. Enjoy!

until in GOD we all abide, by Daniel Schea

it is in us ALL
causing all men to fall
Some call it Anger
i call it
does my belief make you burn against (me)?
i don’t blame you
This Knowledge made me do THE SAME
its flames will not subside
its power cannot be denied
until in GOD we all abide

Days of Creation, By Joshua Schea

Before day found rest or let the night wake
What shall we make?
What then shall I make?

Father son and spirit made the day break
Made the first night
He made the first day

With second day God moves all the water
Some stays under
And some comes over

What then did He name this wondrous cover?
Some call heavens
What He called the sky

Water below left the world unfinished
So ground was laid
Now the earth was made

God wished to fill this earth with His beauty
Now came the tree
Created for me

Fourth day comes without a sun to lead it
No warming light
Still no glowing light

This day closes with the world’s first sunset
And sky was strewn
With stars and the moon

When fifth day comes then here is something new
Skies are singing
The water’s teeming

God gave life to the sky and sea both blue
So fish now swim
While the birds sing hymns

Yet what was left to perfect creation
All things are done
Save for this last one

Land has yet to fill with life of its own
Now the spaces
Hold diff’rent faces

Now to end his making God makes humans
For us to span the whole world was His plan
Though He remains the greatest of all time
We creators have the world in our hands

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